Thursday, June 3, 2010

The test results are out and mostly i can see is that i have alot of things to make touch up if i really want to score in my exams. Anyway its been great living the new life God has given me. Even though i still need to improve in certain areas for example my speech. Which i discover can be my greatest weakness because the things i say may really hurt someone. Somethings are really meant to be keep as a secret. (i got scold for that)

Anyway today i will be participating in a debate about the realness of reality shows. Hmm.... Well thats something to debate about really.. :p the title for the debate is Reality shows should be shown to all viewers. my group is against it to be honest its easier to win it if we are against it. Heh! ^^

Well i hope to see that today would be a good day and that i would enjoy the last two days before the holidays that is the mid-term holidays 2 weeks. of self studying really now how can we have a group study when there is only one person who is willing to study. There are many out there but sometimes its hard to ask them out. some are just pure laziness lol. Well wish me the best as i am going to be in the debate

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