The story begins of a man just graduated and looking for fortune and found himself webbed into the rich society life. When your an outsider its hard not to be curious about the way rich people live their life. All moral values would have to be chucked out of the window to fully understand how the society of that time runs.
Gastby tries to reunite himself with Daisy Fay, the girl of his dreams and obsession. He would do anything to get her back into his arms. He sees Nick being her cousin, his golden ticket to her. Credited for his ambitious goal in life, he held huge parties at his mansion. Hoping that she would one day drop by.
Daisy on the other hand is married to Tom Buchanan; who is an unfaithful husband having an affair with another women even though he has the most desirable woman by his side. The whole story turns into a tragedy as neither party benefited; the ending left 3 dead, one disillusioned and another life moves on.
Gastby is seen as a man who just want to get what he wants regardless of its consequences, i believe we should dream big, its nothing wrong but its way of getting there matters. Sometimes we may think its nothing no one will know but are we to forget who is watching over us?
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