Thursday, July 29, 2010

Being the Catalyst

Ah well it seems that everything is settling down the king and i is done and we had a wonderful time Lol i will never miss it lol and besides that the prom was great another fantastic moment that i would remember. i think those will the first things that comes into my mind when i look back at school, generally i might just be in tears when i look back. Hmm... its like the last year of schooling and after this we would all look back into the times spend together....

Well thats the fact of life.....

I realise one thing when i read literature especially Malaysian stories it really does give me a sense that everything that this people write is really relevant to life. Just yesterday i found out that my good friends dad just passed and way and its like you would come to a situation and think aren't you glad that your parents are still alive.

Life is like a brief candle- Shakespeare.

Anyway i am going to miss my friends especially people that i have met through out the years and the times we spend seems to be very meaningful to everyone. We do come to some point and make enemies but still in live its the challenges and the wishes that makes us go forward, even the people we spend together. Make a foot print in the lives of the people we meet and one day when we are gone from this earth who knows you might have made an impact in a life of a future leader.

Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart

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